
How to breed a brave nature pokemon
How to breed a brave nature pokemon

how to breed a brave nature pokemon how to breed a brave nature pokemon

You are given a total of 510 effort values to distribute as you please. While IVs increase the growth rate, EVs actively add to that stat. An exception to this rule is if one of the parents has 6 IVs – fret not, however, 5 is the most you will need!ĮVs (Effort Values): Effort values are used to increase a stat. Each value will range from 0-31, in most cases you can only have 5 stats with an individual value of 31. Most Pokémon caught in the wild have lower IV values than one that is either a raid pokemon, or a bred pokemon. IVs (Individual Values): When a Pokemon is caught or bred it is given IV values – these reflect stat growth for a specific stat. These are also personality types for a Pokemon to give them some character! There are ways to influence Nature, but we will get to that shortly. Atk stat if it has a nature that benefits Sp.Atk, however, this will also lower a stat as well depending on the chosen nature. What this means is that your Pokemon will have a higher Sp. A nature will increase the stat growth for one stat, and lower the growth in another. Natures: Every Pokemon is born or caught with a nature. What are natures and IVs/EVs? What do they do? Allow me to help explain! With that out of the way, please see the below guide on how to create a competitive pokemon! Hopefully this guide helps with any queries you may have – any questions feel free to contact me on discord at any time (Miiyabee#1074). I wanted to document how to properly breed in pokemon sword and shield as it’s a topic that’s spoken about at length and quite intimidating to get into.

how to breed a brave nature pokemon

Hi All, Miiya here! Hope you’re all well.

How to breed a brave nature pokemon